
The Essence of Proper Concrete Placement in Various Locations

11 October 2022

Concrete is one of the most utilised construction materials right now. One of the reasons why it is being used in construction projects is it is durable. With the proper placement of concrete, it can conveniently withstand heat and moisture. It can even handle heavy foot and vehicle traffic.

Another reason behind the use of concrete is it is easy to maintain. Once the concrete surface has attained some dirt and stains, property owners can already clean it up through a pressure washer, a soap-water solution, and other cleaning products and tools. It can even be sealed, preserving its appearance and service life for years.

Concrete placement, however, should be done optimally to avoid compromising its durability, functionality, and longevity. Here are some areas where concrete is often placed and the proper way of placing the said construction material.

Within Small Ground Mould

Concrete within a small ground mould is expected to be placed on a foundation bed below the walls or columns. Before placing concrete on these areas, any loose earth must be eliminated from the bed first. Tree roots and other obstructions must also be removed to prevent them from piercing through the concrete. The dry bed surface should then be dampened down to prevent the ground from soaking in water from concrete.

Within Large Ground Mould

Concrete placement within the large ground mould is expected to be seen in areas where road slabs and airfield slabs can be found. Like the previous concrete location, the ground surface on which the concrete will be placed should also be free from loose ground particles, grass, roots, and other organic matter. The ground must then be compacted and dampened appropriately to avoid making the concrete weak and unstable. As for the placement, concrete should be dumped in alternative bays with contraction joints and dummy joints.

Within Formwork

Formwork is the temporary mould on which concrete can be poured. It is often constructed to support beams and columns. To make concrete formwork effective, it should be rigid to prevent it from deforming while placing fresh concrete. Concrete formwork must also be watertight to prevent slurry from leaking out. As for stripping purposes, mould-releasing agents like grease and oil must be applied inside the formwork. Joints, alternatively, must be plugged between planks, plywoods, and sheets to prevent concrete from leaking during compaction.

In Layers

One more way concrete can be placed in construction is in layers. Concrete placed in layers can be seen in the dam, abutment, or pier construction projects. The thickness of concrete layers would normally depend on the degree of concrete compaction and the type of concrete used. Most of the time, reinforced concrete layers may boast a thickness of around 15 to 30 cm, while layers that utilise plain concrete may have a thickness of about 35 to 45 cm. During the concrete placement in layers, they should be placed quickly to prevent cold joints.

All ways of concrete placement must be done by experts to avoid issues in the long run. To know more about concrete placement projects, you can contact us at Cycon Monero Group.

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